I have been rather depressed since I finished the story of Hakon and Brigid, for Flowers and Scorpions. I had become so involved with the characters, that when I finished, it was like leaving people who I knew so very well...and then the clouds of depression gathered. Hakon and Brigid had become so very real to me - like thought forms or Tulpas - so to finish the story, was like saying goodbye to people I knew and loved. But then I have always been the same - rather disfunctional - except when I am creating something.
Around 13 - 15 yrs ago, I didn't know how to handle my 'dark-times' and on three occasions, I had to leave my work and go home for a week or so, until I could feel the ground below my feet once more.
Christina used to say to me "give yourself a shake and let the hens have a feed" - but it was so hard that it was impossible...until I found the "key".
The "key" for me (and perhaps it might suit you, if you tend toward immobilising periods of numbness) is not to fight it, but...
...indulge in it.
I play sad music, look at sad paintings and let my feelings of uselessness run riot, until I get fed up with the whole ghastly state of being - rather like eating too much ice-cream - after a while I just want a hot cup of tea and a laugh.
The other thing is to look up
The sky in Bournemouth last week was wonderful.
Depression is downward - Aspiration is upward.
If I really feel bad (as I just have been for the last few days) I look upward.
Also, I've made a simple card, which helps me and may help you if you walk a solitary path.
(and we all do, in a way)
God Bless
photos and artwork (c)soulmerlin
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